Inner Reflections
March 4, 2024
The Arm Balance Buffet Series

We’re sharing some special excerpts from Paul’s The Arm Balance Buffet Series, exclusively on Inner Dimension. We hope you enjoy previews from this series and try for yourself!
Building Blocks for Crow
In this class, we will learn the building blocks for crow pose and baby crow pose. We will build core and upper body strength while opening the hips and learning to engage the serratus anterior.
Crow And Side Crow With Jump Back
This vinyasa practice sequences your body up for crow and side crow poses, and explores the technique of jumping back to chaturanga from the arm balances.
One-legged Crow and Flying Pigeon Flow
This vinyasa practice sequences your body and prepares you to try the poses one-legged crow and flying pigeon. This class explores the strength, balance, and hip mobility needed to prepare the body for the more advanced poses.