Because You Can
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Because You Can
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
75 Mins
All Levels
It’s been said that life is a marathon, not a sprint, and therefore a test of our endurance. This 75-minute class begins with a stamina invoking power yoga practice before you slip into a 30+ minute period of recovery. This is how we build resiliency – learning to remain in a healthy range of arousal without getting stuck in an over activated state. You will work, not by overcoming but by becoming. This class includes cardio invoking chair and plank variations, strengthening movements, half splits and more.
A block and bolster are suggested for this practice.
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amazing balance for. sunday morning practice thank you
My favorite lesson from Lauren, so far.. <3
I have been practicing yoga for over 30 years. I must say that I never stop being challenged and seeing growth. At age 63, it helps me to stay young and flexible, grounded and centered. I especially enjoy the transition from the power to the yin to the restorative. It makes for a well-rounded practice. Thanks Lauren! Namaste....
Love this combination of Power & Yin! Thank you Lauren!
Blimey! I really enjoyed the class. I was already tired after the first 3 minutes ;-) and I could feel it in my arms and shoulders the first half. I loved the balancing sequences and how challenging they can be, and I fully welcomed the last part (yin and restorative) to bring me back to Earth and stilness.
I enjoyed the music a lot more in this class than in the previous ones. I didn't feel it was so overpowering!
A wonderful, well rounded class, Lauren. Thanks again for this program!
I’m really enjoying this program! This class was especially good and I loved the yin sequence at the end, just perfect. What I also loved about this class is that the poses in the power yoga sequence were challenging, I was not quite able to do them, I could not quite balance in The half moon where we did a sort of knee to elbow crunch, wow, I definitely need to work on balance here, so I know I need practice and that I will get this class 3 more times and I will get better and better. If it was the same thing we would not grow so I really appreciate this. In fact the other two classes before this one also had sequences that I did not quite get, so I know I can grow there too. Thanks again for this class! And for the program.