Crow Flow
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Crow Flow
Led by: Byron De Marse
30 Mins
All Levels
Who doesn’t like options? See what’s possible for you and practice moderation when necessary during this creative exploration linking poses together.
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Thanks, Byron. I always enjoy your "out of the box" practices and this one keeps you, literally, on your toes ;-) What about that one arm crow? Wooooops, let's keep practicing (I almost fell flat-faced but will keep working on that arm strength). Fun, challenging and deep. Namaste!!
Loved the flow! I've saved it as a favorite. thank you!
Loved it thank you
Fantastic! Just what I needed
esto fue lo que estaba buscando para practicar los balances de brazos, simplemente maravillosooo
WOW really impressive ... and Hard ...but inspiring I just can do Bakasana today....need to try and try again ... Iwant to succed in side crow ... Great Job all the 4 of You ;-)
Thanks for sharing this practice and leading us to progress