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Led by: Byron De Marse
30 Mins
No Props
All Levels
Leave your mind behind in this feelings only allowed experience. Long holds of fascia-targeting poses allow the channels of chi to flow abundantly. Expect to feel more like yourself as soon as you press play. During this class you can expect to move through Gomukasana, pigeon, down dog, child’s pose, and cat cow.
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fantastic class Byron... really full of e-motion... Thank YOU so much..
Love this class ❤️ ,feel balanced and calm.. Thank you 🙏 Byron
This felt really special & intimate in a way that I really needed. Thank you 🧡
Such a beautiful and fulfilling class! Byrons thought provoking questions and my responses brought me to tears. The class you didn't know you needed. <3
The class has left a very positive imprint.Was nice to invite people I love into the circle of trust whilst practicing.Cheers Byron
Very powerful, thoughtful and moving class. I've done it many times alone and it brought me to tears. Recently, I invited two family members who were arguing with each other to do it with me. They were "talking to each other" during the class when Byron asks the questions during poses and it was really heart warming to experience. Their anger dissolved when the class ended. I just love the creativity that IDTV puts into their work. Yoga is so much deeper than I have ever realized. Thank you, Byron!
Wow, took this class this morning, and it took me by surprise with its powerful impact. The thought-provoking questions posed during the class helped me release deeply held emotions and thoughts, ultimately leading to a liberating experience that I hadn't anticipated.
This practice was very emotional for me, but at the end I felt calm and peaceful. Thank you.
I loved the flow of this class and the gentle, nmindful leading of Byran.
Nice practice and nice questions! ;-)
That was quite special, wasn't expecting that. Namaste!
This class is so special for so many reasons...stillness, movement, reflection, celebration...from beginning to end, it just gets better each time. Thank you, Byron.
Expansive. Thank you.
Wonderful session, very relaxing!
Really enjoyed this gentle yin yoga session. Thank you very much!
Wonderfully uplifting. Thanks for another excellent class Byron, I hope you will be adding more soon.
E Motion class with Byron...excellent start to the day ...was what I`d class as a yin flow...thanks as always...never a bad class with any of Inner Dimension teachers :)
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