Feel It All

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.Feel It All.
Feel It All
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
20 Mins
All Levels

This isn’t a “feel good” class. This is a feel it all class. We often hold our fears, apprehensions and reactions in our back-body, specifically the hamstrings, which tighten to protect us. This class will help open the hamstrings and the backline of the body to create space for life to flow through you as you ride the many waves motherhood inevitably ushers forward.

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Sarah Winzar
Loved this and the sentiments behind it, the words Lauren speaks resonates so much xx
Love all of these quick mommy workouts...Great for Grandmommies too!
A terrific way to end the day - with a practice that releases so much tension and invites in the energy I need to keep going!