Gentle Shoulders
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Gentle Shoulders
Led by: Mychal Prieto
30 Mins
All Levels
In this practice we will mindfully focus on creating space in the upper body with an emphasis on the shoulders. The shoulders are the most mobile joint in the body, and sometimes can be the most susceptible to injury. Giving this area of the body attention, with breath, will help create more spatial awareness as well as resiliency.
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Very good flow. I love the last part with scapulas. retraction, protraction, ... I feel like stress went out of my shoulders. Feeling: incredible relaxed. Thanks! Good night;)
Thank you so much for Mychal for this class. You did it so great that the tension in my shoulders gets so much better. Thx.
Not my favorite class but looking forward to trying Part II. Hopefully the music is less repetitive and loud. (P.S. I just saw someone's comment about this being a great warm up for upper body and I would agree! It's possible Mychal's style just doesn't suit me although I *loved* Yinliscious...)
Great warm up routine for upper body
Great workout. Thank you
Love this, helped my neck feel so much better, thank you!
Very pleasant and soothing. Thank you.
Love all your classes so far, you are so soothing. Thank you xxx
From France, huge thank you. The rhythm & voice are super important to me to get in the class & you're just PERFECT. All the movement are really helpful for my muscles contractions. 👍
Excellent shoulder release and mobility work!
Wonderful morning practice to loosen up my shoulders before sitting at my desk for the day! Thank you!!
great class! This was my PAUSE moment and absolutely loved it :)
Really, really enjoyed this practice. Shoulders feel amazing!
This was great, thank you Mychal. And thank you SO much for not yielding to temptation to add in a downward dog somewhere. Perfect.
Loved it 😍
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Can we have something similar for the neck and trapezius muscles?
Nice Shoulder stretch, well done.
Thank you Mychal
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