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Led by: Denise Antoine
30 Mins
All Levels
This energizing practice will help build strength and endurance. Sometimes longevity is necessary on and off the mat, this power flow will help prepare us for those heat building moments in life. Grab yoga blocks, water & a towel. Get ready to sweat, laugh and delight in your power!
“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?”
~Marianne Williamson
Question of the Day: Do you believe you are worthy of living the life you desire? What does that life look like?
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Great practice.I was gloomy now I`m feeling gleeful.
Yoga is the best!
Thank you Denise x
This is a great practice - lots of variety and quite challenging.
Love Denise's clear instructions and warm positive attitude.
Thank you Denise 🙏
Abundance of gratitude for this practice, Denise. A wicked combo of yoga, pilates and a couple of spices added. Intense to the extent you want to push yourself and playing with some edges. Love it!