15 Mins

Led by: Travis Eliot
All Levels
Along with eating clean, this class will help you develop a lean, toned muscular mid-section. Typically we will be doing it 3 times a week. A strong core is the foundation to having an overall strong body. Not only does it look great but it’s very beneficial to the spine and the solar plexus energy center.
“Only those who devote themselves to a cause with their whole strength and soul can be masters. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person.”
-Albert Einstein
My core is on fire, love this routine!!
Excellent core workout. Hardcore indeed! Many thanks 💪💪
I keep coming back to this core series when I need an extra core after a regular class and I enjoy it every time
Perfect 15 min core blast after a stretching session!! Love the intense music to enhance your power.