Playing With Asymmetry

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.Playing With Asymmetry.
Playing With Asymmetry
Led by: Paul Teodo
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
30 Mins
Functional Fitness
All Levels

This power yoga class explores different non-traditional ways to hold versions of plank. It’s a strong class great for building upper body and core strength.

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That was hard for this nearly 69 body, but you said at the beginning that it would be hard, so I challenged myself and got through. Thank you, Paul 🙏
Strength for the body and strength for the mind. Thinking out of the box and challenging the integrated "software" we have with most poses. I always enjoy your new ways and different pose variations, as well as the challenge to do something different and "bizarre". Thanks, Paul for another fabulous class!
What a way to change things up, I was able to do the whole class, definitely a weekly class
Nice power flow, thank you, Paul!
GReat one, yeah very carefull great instructions and the perfect rythm to have the right body shape , to avoid injuries. Very good one to have strength w alignment . Thank you so much to push us through it .
Really fantastic class- I thoroughly enjoyed it. Will revisit this multiple times. Thanks Paul.
Such an amazing and intentional class. Didn’t have a lot of time this am and it was the perfect thing to kick off my day!
Excellent strength workout! Thanks, Paul.
Thank you. Great flow, great instructions!
thank YOU so much... it was a strong and short lesson.... I appreciate it.... Namaste
Short but strong class, could have used a few extra stretches in there, but added myself. Always appreciate the creativity of Paul. Namaste!