Power Within

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.Power Within.
Power Within
Led by: Chris Walker
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
All Levels

In this masterclass, explore the essence of power yoga, delving into the core of pushing physical boundaries and gaining empowerment. Through a blend of static postures, flowing sequences, mobility exercises, arm balances, and inversions, delve into intentional body movements. The goal isn’t to transform into an ideal version of oneself but to recognize that one is already ideal. Join on this empowering journey of self-discovery.

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Lot's of potential here. Welcome to the platform brother! Looking forward to trying more of your classes.
Nice flow love it
Amazing class! Thank you Chris for this positive challenge :)
Chris, you rock! Practice was very straight to the core and essentials. Love that you keep it so leisure with your talk, made me laugh several times :).And: This never happened to me but your analogy with the spices was so juicy that I went up shortly to get my nachos to snack them in the yin poses. :D
Thank you Chris, as always I end your classes with a big smile on my face 😃🙏
My version of this practice looked highly different from Chris's but judging from my sweat drops (gross I know but hey, it's summer in Australia!), I certainly found the power within! I really like Chris as an instructor. He doesn't take himself too seriously and allows a sense of playfulness in his classes - which in turn allows me to go at my level and not think I need to keep up with him! Thank you for a lovely, strong practice.
Wooow, woooow and woooow!! Love the practice, Chris!! Challenging in new ways, finding the edge very often and showing us the real power within us (not having ego standing on the way). I fell, wobbled and had lots of fun. I also realized I could do more and push further. Thanks for always helping us to grow in different ways! Power to you!
Awesome practice! 🙌
Not a big flow class, but lots of new things to try and play with. Balance and strength. Nice class
Thank you for putting a lot of thought into this sequence. It was great to tap into strength in some very challenging and unique shapes. Really appreciate the empowering message - thank you.
Oh, thank you Chris, this was an incredibly powerful class. I will definetly repeat it. :-) So greatful for Inner Dimension TV, Travis & Lauren, for bringing so many fantastic teachers to help us enjoy yoga and grow!!
Thank you Chris for a fantastic practice. I always enjoy your creative movements and flows.