Prana Flow

The circular flow of energy, known as Prana, brings forth connection through an open mind and heart. In this 30 minute power yoga practice you will move through a flow that focuses on backward bends to target the chest, open the lungs, strengthen the spine, and reveal the heart. Prana Vayu is centered in the chest and governs the inhalation. It’s expressed cyclically and is reflected in your ability to be within a cycle of ongoing change while remaining connected to your center. Imbalances in Prana Vayu affect the nervous system and manifest as anxiety or fear, triggering symptoms such as breathlessness or heart palpitations. Yoga teaches us to pay attention to our breath cycle. For beginning practitioners, the initial instinct is to hold the breath when a pose feels challenging—which stops the flow of energy, leading to increased tension and resistance. Over time, we learn to trust the cycle of the breath, and as a result energy flows smoothly.