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Led by: Travis Eliot
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
All Levels

In this hour-long class, Travis will guide you through a powerful twisting flow. Prepare to fire up the body as you steadily build heat. By the end of this power yoga flow you will be cleansed both inside and out. 

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Amazing! Do more like these Travis! Keep it up!
Okay, yes. It tuckered me out, but I finished. I feel used, but amazing. I can't wait for more! Thank you.
Oh dear God, that was tough! I did hate you a bit but it is a great class nevertheless ;-) Thank you!
That was twisted on so many levels. Loved it. I didn’t turn off the tv. Keep giving all the challenging classes you can come up with. Thank you. This whole Inner Dimension library is making my life better each and every day. Thank you again!!!!
One of my all time favorites!!! Thank you for your inspiration dear Travis ❤️
amandine cittone
Thank you so much Travis! It's the first time i do this class but i held on til the end. Struggle was there but i was determined to stay focused and i did feel the purifying effect indeed as tears of liberation were pouring down while practicing. Such a huge relief that helped me move beyond a hard day. This session coupled with emotional release will be perfect. Huge gratitude for being such a great source of inspiration. I love your depth, the music, the presence you add to each move that make it so beautiful and healing on so many levels. I'm so blessed and so are countless others.
Arvinder Pathay
LOVE LOVE LOVE this class. I have recently signed up and I look forward to yoga every day!
Luis Nava Castro
My favourite! Keep coming back! Whats the music in this class?
mutlu dinckok
a lıttle longer and ınstenser than ı expected but I didn't give up. thank you!
Veneta Merdzhanova
A little insanity? That was really insane, at the begining I was like, well that is not going to be enough, but at the end I felt a rush of happiness. Being able to make it till the end... So good, purifying indeed.
Intense, strong and powerful - very good but prepare yourself!
Sofia Faure
amazing like all of travis' videos
Lina Boutaleb
As always, I finish this practice with a heart full of gratitude, a relaxed body and a clearer mind. I cannot thank you enough for your words, your presence and your passion.
Johanna Faries
I adore every single Travis class, but this one is impeccably beautiful. Thank you so much for crafting it.
Truly, a beautiful practice. Challenging, yes, but it incorporates so much…requires concentration, stamina, strength, balance and leaves you feeling calm and “ready to take on the rest of your day.” Thank you for this offering.
Jaclyn Bell
That was one of those powerfully cleansing practices and it was tough but the words of encouragement from Travis kept me going.
"Be committed, be courageous, be compassionate." Thank you Travis and all the team behind the scenes, I was so close to giving up a few times during this practice and thanks to your words and encouragemnet, I kept it up and committed all the way to the end. Now I can say that I feel an inmense gratitud towards my will power reinforced by your words and the passion you put into the practice of your work. Thank you. Namaste. Estela, (yoga teacher) from Mallorca, Spain.