Rock Steady

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.<b>Rock</b> Steady.
Rock Steady
Led by: Brent Laffoon
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
Slow Flow
All Levels

By putting a slightly different spin on a variety of traditional postures, this practice will help you explore some deeper dimensions of strength and mobility. The more openness and determination you bring to it, the further it will take you.

No props needed

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I started my free trial this week. Wonderful lessons and very clear explanations for each movement. Grazie Brent
What an amazing class, I wonder how can Brent instructs so clear and calm while doing these challenge poses. Great teacher
I've been practising yoga for 20+ years. This is the best power yoga practice I have ever done. In every single way; perfect cueing, no over-talking, perfect sequencing ~ thank you so much, Brent!!!!!!!
Jonathan Boyd
Excellent! I've been doing yoga online for several years across multiple platforms and this is one of the very best classes I've done. So challenging but the music and the instruction created an encouraging and optimistic atmosphere. Really well done. Looking forward to trying your others. Thanks so much.
Corina Juarez
It has been a while since I did this practice and the rendevous with it felt so good. As my body recognized it, I got a happy raising feeling within, just like when you bump into a friend you haven't seen in many years. Namaste B
christen reinke
Top Favorite. Complex flows with excellent cueing make this one seem brand new to me every time. I appreciate the modifications/options he presents so it is accessible regardless of how my joints (arthritis) feel on a particular day. I tend to shy away from some instructors because the pace is too fast, warmups are simply inadequate, or the class is overall not challenging enough if the first two criteria are met. Hard to find that sweet spot for me right now, but his classes are a reliable bet. I keep coming back to them again and again. Quality is found here. Wonderful!
Elias Leventhal
My favorite practice on this site!
Rosana Cohen
Extraordinary with a huge challenge. Shavasana was splendid after 60 minutes. Brent you are a very talented teacher Thank you
Bret Canfield
An absolutely outstanding practice. I have taken a few of Brent's more 'workshopy' classes on this channel and loved them. I was curious about how he would teach a more traditional flowing asana practice and I was NOT disappointed! Amazing cueing, outstanding tempo, challenging poses and variations...but the biggest thing for me is Brent's deep understanding of anatomy and kinesthetics and his ability to help me better understand my own body in these poses. I would love love love to see even more of Brent's classes on Inner Dimension. Fabulous class, Brent! Namaste, brother. Can't wait to take your Patience class.
Sonja Van Bockstaele
hi Brent This is such a nice flow. Very creative ! You make my day Tnx from Belgium
Karen Birthelmer
It took courage for me to pick one of Brent's practices today! So glad I did! An amazing class- it showed me how far my practice has come and where it can go with the balances I am still working on! Excellent cueing and just loved it. Thank you!
Great, great flow. Challenging, but very rewarding. I'm a fan of Brent. His classes are awesome.
I love this flow, I can't stop coming back to it! It's challenging, sweaty and you feel great at the end. I particularly love how Brent encourages you to come back and try again, even if you didn't master some of the poses the first time around. Much health, much happiness from the UK!
Hard but really sweet, challenging flow. I have really enjoyed it :) Thanks!
This is a great Power class : a lovely mix of calm and strong energy. That "last push" ....what a leg burner! Your cue to bring "enthusiasm" came at just the right moment as I was thinking, "Noooooo. We have to do the other side!" lol Thank you for creating and sharing this class!
Amazing! For sure will be coming back to it!