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Led by: Travis Eliot
60 Mins
Strong Flow
By the end of this practice, there won’t be an area of the body that didn’t get strengthened — low body, upper body, back of the body — all of it. Throughout the class, Travis will take you to your edge in a certain muscle group, and then right when you feel like you’ve reached your limit, he will skillfully guide you to another area. After this class, you will be moving into the rest of your day feeling unstoppable!
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Wow!!! Just what the doc ordered for a STRONG yoga day! Great class, challenging but no so much so that it’s not doable. Great modifications and ways to take it further within each strength pose. Thank you Travis!!
I have been practicing this sequence since 3yrs and it’s unstoppable. Create the real dopamine drip !!!
great intensive class! thank you Travis!
Wow, i think i was a bit unprepared for the intensity this early in the morning! Feels great now tho. Thank you!
My favourite class. So challenging! Love Travis.
great class feels amazing. your classes never disappoint
Bloody hard badass work. Loved every minute of it
Amazing and challenging practice Travis, always trying to improve and challenge ourselves! Thank you!
Great and intense practice for the whole body! Amazing challenge! Thanks Travis!
So good, really enjoyed this one!
This class is invigorating and has it all, breath, strength, balance and of course great words spoken by Travis.
Wow that was such a great class. Challenging, energizing, nicely paced. My whole body feels sweetly fatigued and I got a nice sweat going. I would also love a version of this without music.
A challenging flow, that definitely leaves you with the inner glow but worth it! Thank you Travis. Namaste :)
I like the challenging sequence but the music made my blood pressure rise and made me feel like I had 10 shots of espresso at times.
Great class, but would it be possible to offer a version without the soundtrack?
Awesome flow and strenght workout, perfect convo, I feel so energized
I love it ! My gratitude goes to all those people who were involved in putting these video together . It really amazing .. Thank you
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