Strong and Supple

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.<b>Strong</b> and Supple.
Strong and Supple
Led by: Travis Eliot
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
Strong Flow
All Levels

‘Strong and Supple’ is a 60 minute power yoga practice complete with twisting flows, a challenging warrior sequence, and a side plank flow that will challenge the toughest of yogis. After the intensity of the standing poses Travis will guide you into the serenity of yin stretches increasing your body’s mobility.

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Marjan Buseyne
So loved this class. Is everything I love about a balanced power yoga class. Thanks. Namasté )(
mutlu dinckok
I was seriously considering skipping the practice today. im so glad I didnt. thank you.
Ginny Mahaney
I've been through UY & 2 rounds of Level Up, and am now sampling classes trying to find some that are of comparable difficulty. This one fit the bill. Love the combo of intense yang plus yin. Great class.
This was great - a little of everything, with challenges that you can take as far as your practice allows.
amazing practice! just the right amount of everything
I thought the yang/yin would be a great sorta "easy day" practice...ummm...I was wrong. As the strength component picked up I almost quit, but reminded myself that I could, indeed finish. What got me thru to the end?? Well, that would be the always authentic and TIMELY humor provided when I heard... "I know you're sayin FU@! You, Travis I don't wanna do this!"🤣🤣 I almost fell out of Vasisthasana! I feel stronger, suppler, and more connected with this team than ever! Thank you.
Real strenght builder... loved it💫
This practice was excellent! I had been eying this one on IDTV for a while just waiting for the right time do it. Today was the day. Travis did a great job making it challenging yet fun. I especially liked his comments throughout the practice. Thanks
Great flow but frustration as video player KEEPS BUFFERING. ARGH!
This is my favorite practice so far. The main reason I decided to sign up for and dedicate more time to yoga was a loss of mobility due to other more “yang” workouts. So this practice really spoke to me. I also love that Travis had me laughing through all of the tough parts. :)
The title says it all...great balance of strength and supple! Loved the sassy side plank series.
Great flow, good sweat. This is a Typical Travis class, nothing unexpected.
Absolutely love this one! Yang part is challenging yet fun. Yin part is short and to the point. Been doing a lot of TE over the years. This one is brilliant.
Unique flows that make me ache every time ! Killer class , love it
Ben van de Vusse
This really helped me with my lower back.
Just ok. I love Travis but this is not one of my favs...only because it doesn't include many of my personal favorite moves or stretches.