Pincha Mayurasana
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Pincha Mayurasana
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Fly All Your Flags
Led by: Brent Laffoon
45 Mins
Strong Flow
With an emphasis on building strength, stability and mobility through the shoulders and spine, the second practice in this series aims to help you become more confident and capable in your inversions. Expect to fortify your foundations and lean into your edges as you work toward Pincha Mayurasana, the “peacock feather pose,” also known as “forearm balance.”
This classs is intended for advanced yogis who have experience with challenging poses and intense practice. If you engage in this class, you agree to do so voluntarily at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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Well, probably I need come back to this class for another 100 times to getting right into the poses 😅 That’s the journey to go ❤️
I can't help but loving your classes. I laugh a lot and become aware of my limitations but also the 'room for improvement' and so much I can do now and in the future. It's a shower of self-awareness!! It also improves my strength big time! My shoulders are right now on fire! I still need a wall to practice Pincha but i am confident I will be able to do it without shortly. Your instructions are precise and the pre-work is accurate and incredibly useful.
Keep those amazing classes flowing!
Thank you so much for an amazing class. I truly enjoyed beginning of the class arms sequence and picked up many tricks on how to get into Pincha Mayurasana. Great instructions and definitely class that I'll come back to do it over and over again. Greetings from Canada!
OMG I am so glad I found you! after 12 years of yoga and mainly doing Ashtanga and started teaching recently, I needed someone to break down advanced poses as I have been left alone to figure it out, I deeply respect you work. Just wondering why I have the tendency to have my hands sliding together in Pincha?
His classes are amazing! I Love it!
Once upon a time, I could do all the poses in this practice with relative ease.
Then life happened...
But I could do much more than I actually expected!! Gumption and naiveness certainly helped lots :)
Thanks for sharing Brent - Rocio