Arm Balances
& Inversions

& Inversions
It’s not what you do, is how you do it that matters most. Drop your attachment to achieving certain poses. Step away from what you think “should” be happening and accept what is actually happening. These are the lessons that alleviate suffering by learning to accept the present moment. This practice will present you with the opportunity to explore arm balances and inversions.
It will also present you with the opportunity to choose what is right for you in any given moment, on any given day with the understanding that day-to-day, week-to-week what you need will not be the same. Be open to possibility each and every time you repeat this practice. And over time, through the power of repetition, you will learn that true confidence does not arise from external validation, yoga postures or achievement. It arises when you are courageous enough to look inside yourself for the answers and connect with the truth within.