Even Flow

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. Even <b>Flow</b>.
Even Flow
Led by: Travis Eliot
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
45 Mins
Slow Flow
All Levels

This practice is about giving you an even dosage of “The 4 Pillars of Fitness” which are strength, stamina, balance and flexibility. This solid power yoga sequence hits the sweet spot of challenge and relaxation.

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Great routine. Parts very fast on first attempt whilst looking at a screen but with practice the routine becomes easy to follow and great for strength.
It is a lively rainy morning after a terrible drought in Botswana anf I needed something soothing, calm, and consistent... this a perfect flow to ground me today
Just what I needed. Good pace, well structured. The usual Travis slightly cheesy talk! Thank you
You could get more accomplished if there wasn't so much talking - talk about a hostage audience.
Great! Loved it so much!
Nyakoboke Nyabuto
Loved it!!!! great even practice when you want something difficult enough but also not soo difficult - a sweet spot class with stretches too!
stephanie booth
Great class! An energizing, well-rounded practice that Travis's insights and humor take to the next level. I'll come back to this one again for sure.
Joseph Bernstein
Wow! An amazing, difficult, but not too difficult full body yoga class. Travis's instruction and narration of the theme were phenomenal, as always. I poured sweat for most of the middle of the class and then had such a classic wind-down with a long pigeon pose. Thank you!
Kristen Campisi
my favorite so far!! It brings me calm and i feel so much better when it's comp;lete.
Marcia Esola
exactly what I needed. Busy time of year, this helped bring my day/ life back into balance.Always appreciate Travis' words of wisdom ,little nuggets to help center yourself. Namaste.