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Led by: Travis Eliot
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
All Levels

Yin yoga involves seated poses, held for 3-5 minutes, to promote healthy connective tissues, fascia and joints. This style of class is the perfect complement to the faster power yoga classes in Level Up 108. The long holds are very meditative in nature and teach the importance of stillness and letting go. At the same time you improve your pliability, you’ll also improve your wisdom, because wisdom arises when you slow down and look within.

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there are too few 1.5 hour Yin lessons... thank you very much it was a profound journey...
I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful this class is! I cried my eyes out on the story of the Zen Master and his three questions. It really deeply touched me. 🥹
Harry Evans
i practice this class every Sunday with some homegrown cannabis. it is a spiritual experience. thank you for this space! Highly recommend
Loved this
superb. thank you. great teacher
Outstanding. The class couldn´t be better. Thanks travis for improving my life :)
just amazing... thank you thank you thank you
A toughie but a goodie!! A great challenging practice for both the body and mind to be able to sustain holding these poses. Thank you Travis!
Wooow so great thank you. 🙏 Adriano 🇮🇹
I have always preferred dynamic yoga types.. it kind of suits my type of personality. but I am also up for challenges.. and standing still (in any sense) is like A challenge for me. Since I discovered yin yoga on Travis's you tube channel I became absolutely hooked! Thank you for this amazing discovery and this very nice class!
Yin is much harder than it looks. This is a great class. It hurt at times, but my body feels better for it.
Enjoyed my first Yin Yoga class! I am very happy i joined today.
This is one of the BEST practices I've ever had... And that's every time I do it! I live with chronic pain and this helps me physically and mentally. Thank you so much.
What a great stretch and ride.