Yin Medicine

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.<b>Yin</b> Medicine.
Yin Medicine
Led by: Mychal Prieto
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
All Levels

A smooth breath is the highway for healing to take place in all the regions of our bodies. In this practice we will travel to and through the spine, lower back, hips, and the inner thighs, sending sweet healing medicine at each stop along the way. In this class we will journey through Cat Pulling Its Tail Pose, Half Butterfly, Adho Mukha Sukhasana (cross legged fold), and Gomukhasana. 2 blocks and a strap are suggested.

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Just what I needed tonight. Thank you. 🙏
Yin medicine so great. Thank you
Yin Yoga is speaking very slowly and softly, and also speaking as little as necessary...
Evi Papp
So wonderful!!! It was also so sweet when you mentioned past lovers... Thank you so much Mychal for this beutiful practice!!!
Peggy Coetzee-andrew
Exactly what my body needed when I was feeling a little under the weather.
Awesome class, Mychal!! All my favourite poses put together in a beautiful sequence, seasoned with love, great cues, fun start (loved the jumping and tapping) and your everlasting sense of humour and great personality. Thanks sooo much!
Love this class, Mychal is my favourite instructor- talks about the anatomy, which as I’m qualified in anatomy & physiology really fascinates me, as I picture how the poses are benefitting the certain muscles, fascia etc. Going to attempt the Core classes.
Koen Roorda
Thank you. I like your words and the flow of the exercise.
Nora Zietz
Where did the hour go?... thank you. I enjoyed the uses of blocks. Extremely relaxed now
Jill Roberts
Great class with some unusual yin postures. Thank you.
Very calming class, love to hear what Mychal has to say. Thank You!
Sometimes Yin medicine is veeery confortfor start the day, evening one of discipline class are balances for your body and mind. Thank you everynody Adriano 🇮🇹 from Thailand
samanta carpeggiani
Grazie grazie grazie!!!!! Bellissima lezione e bellissimo accompagnamento!
Elisabeth Herbner
Amazing practice! Thank you so much!!
Cristina Comunian
Love it. Thanks
Beautiful class. Deepest gratitude. The shimmy at the start of class was my first time...unusual yet effective. Thank you for something new ;)
Caron Lynn
At least once a week my "meat suit" craves this practice. And it always soothes my body, mind and spirit. Thank you so much, Mychal. The light in me sees and honors the light in you. Namaste