Midday Meditations

Midday Meditations is a series of short inquiry and somatic based practices you can use anytime to decrease stress and increase your overall well-being. Everyone gets hijacked by urgency, overwhelming demands, and the stress encountered by unexpected changes to the day. And, you can learn to navigate these inevitable aspects of life with greater steadiness, […]

Introduction Midday Meditations

Midday Meditations is a series of short inquiry and somatic based practices you can use anytime to decrease stress and increase your overall well-being. Once you’ve learned these practices you’ll be equipped with a toolbox of skills to help your nervous system return to equanimity quickly and efficiently

Strengthen Your Brake

The autonomic nervous system is the common denominator in our human experience. Everyone has a nervous system that is wired the same way, even if people respond differently to events. Your vagal brake, which is connected to your vagus nerve, is what gives you heart rate variability, and is a sign of how well your […]

4 Directions of Presence

This practice invites you to perceive your experience from 4 distinct directions: the length, width, depth, and front of your body. Learning to perceive in this manner gives you access to centering, de-stressing, and re-aligning at any moment throughout your dayfor mental clarity, physiological stability and emotional well-being all while anchoring you not only to […]

Drift and Shift

Psychologist and New York Times best selling author Gay Hendrick PhD created the “drift shift” model which says although you commit to being present, inevitably something happens that distracts you, which leads your attention to drift. In that moment of awareness, you can shift your attention back to presence from a place of accountability, personal […]

From Tension to Presence

Your physical body is imbued with cues for what you need when you are feeling stressed, tense or overwhelmed. In this short somatic practice you will use your hands to learn about how to best support yourself in moments of tension so that you can kindly return to presence. 

One Foot In, One Foot Out

Regulation does not mean “calm,” it means connected and being attached to yourself. You can be angry or anxious and be regulated at the same time. You can experience 2 states at once. Self-regulation is your ability to be with the moment, to be with what’s arising, and to move toward it. In this brief […]

Resilience Toolkit

This meditation practice will help you foster embodied self-awareness as you learn to spot and then align with cues of safety to bring your nervous system back into regulation. You’ll apply somatic strategies to regulate your stress activation learning what works for you and what doesn’t in order to empower agency of choice and to […]

4 Ways of Being

Learn to observe your experience from 4 somatic perspectives. Somatic means, “related to the body especially as distinct from the mind” so in this practice you will learn to experience the present moment through the felt-sense of your physical body as a pathway to decreasing unnecessary stress, achieving nervous system regulation and resting in presence. 

Go With The Flow

When you’re short on time, go with the flow. This brief practice includes one all-encompassing, continuous flow with a closing hip stretch prior to a momentary final rest, setting the tone for you to reside in the present moment throughout your day.